

Summary of Wildlife Vision

Lake Babine Nation (LBN) and BC work together on an ongoing basis to promote healthy, abundant, resilient, and sustainable wildlife populations in LBN Territory. LBN and BC co-manage in a way that respects the rights of other Indigenous nations whose rights could be affected and that aims to provide hunting opportunities for non-Indigenous hunters. LBN manages and enforces its own wildlife harvest, in accordance with Lake Babine’s laws and customs, and Lake Babine citizens peacefully enjoy their wildlife harvesting rights.

Summary of Wildlife Milestones and Key Steps

  • LBN establishes its Wildlife Advisory Team
  • LBN and BC establish a Wildlife Working Group to carry out the shared Wildlife work.
  • LBN and BC create a communications protocol to guide Conservation Officer – Lake Babine interactions and train all Conservation Officers working in the Territory on Lake Babine rights and culture, the Foundation Agreement, and the Agreement’s Wildlife Vision.
  • LBN develops a statement of Lake Babine’s wildlife harvesting rights as explained through Lake Babine’s traditional laws, customs, and its stewardship principles.
  • LBN and BC complete a study of moose habitat and population in the Territory and implement a Joint Moose Framework that promotes sufficient and healthy moose habitat in the Territory
  • LBN and BC Implement joint decision-making about moose in LBN territory, meaning Lake Babine makes decisions with the Crown, instead of BC making decisions on its own.
  • LBN, BC and, as needed, Canada, discuss and collaborate to address other wildlife issues of concern in LBN Territory.

Meet the Wildlife Advisory Team

  • Peter Alec – Lakh Ja Bu
  • Eugene Patrick – Jilh Ts’ekh Yu
  • David Tom – Gil Lan Tin
  • Aaron Joseph – Lakh Tsa Mis Yu
  • Jason Charlie – Donalds/Pinkut
  • Sonny West – Fort Babine
  • Matthew Alec – Old Fort
  • Alex Joseph – Tachet
  • Bruce Alec – Woyenne
  • Ray Alec Sr. – Knowledge Holder
  • Duane Crouse – Urban
  • Brendan Alec – Youth On-Reserve
  • Willie Bertacco – Youth Urban