

What does the Foundation Agreement say about Governance?

Summary of Governance Vision

The Lake Babine Nation’s (LBN), vision is for self-governance outside the Indian Act and under its inherent rights.

A governance system will be developed by LBN and for LBN based on historical and existing laws, customs and practices and implemented in a way that empowers LBN and its five communities to fulfill their modern political, social and economic goals.

The LBN government will be two-tiered, consisting of a Nation-level government and five Community governments. This governance structure will prioritize the needs of its citizens and implement LBN’s historic rights and title.

The built-in transparency of the proposed model will make it accountable to all LBN citizens.

Canada and BC have agreed to recognize the new LBN government model as the body representing its citizens in all issues of mutual interest and concern.

Summary of Governance Milestones and Key Steps

This work is the glue that holds the entire Foundation Agreement together. It will position LBN to take back and exercise its inherent jurisdiction over a range of issues including Child and Family, Lands and Wildlife among others.

The governance research team, which includes Dr. Alan Hanna (University of Victoria law professor with expertise in Indigenous laws), Barbara Adam-Williams, and Marvin Williams, is preparing a report on LBN’s current governance model, its traditional governance system, members’ concerns with the current governance model as well as members’ views on what they want to see in the new model. The Governance Director and Governance Advisory Team are helping to guide this work. Lake Babine will also develop citizenship rules for who is a Citizen of Lake Babine.

LBN citizens and its partners, including BC and Canada, will be kept fully informed of the process through working groups and public communication.

LBN, BC and Canada will work out any jurisdiction issues arising from the new governance model and laws under consideration, including any necessary changes to Crown laws and policies to allow LBN to fully exercise its rights and jurisdiction. The parties will need to reach a governance agreement to ensure a smooth transition to the new model.

Once Lake Babine has ratified its Governance Model and Citizenship Rules and there is a Governance Agreement in place, Canada and BC will make the policy and law changes necessary to make room for Lake Babine’s new government, and Lake Babine will begin to implement its Governance Model, including core laws and policies that would take effect on day 1 of the new government.

Key Steps

  • Hire a governance director to lead the work.
  • Publication of the governance report.
  • Public engagement on the report’s recommendations.
  • Create a proposed governance model.
  • Develop citizenship laws.
  • Ratify citizenship laws and new governance model.
  • BC and Canada make necessary legal adaptations to new governance model.
  • LBN will create the laws and policies that will take effect on day 1 of the new governance model.

Meet our Governance Advisory Team

Community Representatives

  • Evelyn George- Old Fort – Co-Chair
  • Beatrice Michell- Donald’s Landing- Secretary
  • Fred William- Witat
  • Millie Alec-George – Tachet
  • Woyenne – Vacant


  • Rep Victor Tom- Chair
  • Barbara Lowley


  • Mackenzie Adam
  • Bradley Golar

Knowledge Holder 

  • Beverly Michell

Clan Representatives

  • Likh Tsa Mis Yu (Grouse/Beaver) – Vanessa Bull-Patrick
  • Likh Ja Bu (Bear) – Frank Alec
  • Jilh Tse Yu (Frog) – Cindy Lowley-Patrick (proxy Eugene Patrick)
  • Gilanten (Caribou) – Ronnie West (proxy Fabian Michell)

Council Representatives

  • Cheyene Dennis
  • Derek Macdonald